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Thick as Thieves - Tali Spencer

This is quite the buddy book, the barbarian and the thief. It's a lot darker than I was expecting and the world building stellar. 

How Vorgell ends up fucking himself on a unicorn's horn is wickedly clever as are the after effects. Getting thrown in a dungeon and meeting Maddog the thief is a the luckiest break he's ever had. Madd has his own...issues. Such a grim story and how the male witches work their magic, I found that incredibly original. 

I love fantasy novels. I love the magic and the worlds created but for things to really work for me it has to feel organic and real. Like I could step through the keyhole and the physics, no matter how improbable would just click into place and I felt that with this book.

Don't get me started on Petal. 

This was great read with fabulously distinct and rich characters that are so well suited to each other. There isn't any kind of cliffhanger here but there are strings of possibilities. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this author because I hope this only the start of the adventure.