With Frost Burned being released Jan 28 in paperback we thought we'd gather all of the latest information we have on the upcoming books with new details on the anthology. Mike's lastest Twitter on Jan 27 talks about the status of that book. Here it is, if you've missed it:
Patty turned in all of the short stories for "Shifting Shadows" last night, though there's several rounds of edits ahead.
We also have a giveaway coming up for those of you who want another chance to win Night Broken.
Patricia Briggs News Team
On to the update!
Frost Burned is now available in paperback and the ebook prices will now reflect that.
Hunting Ground is also now available in Hardback as well as paperback, and ebook.
The schedule and some details for upcoming books.
Night Broken: March 11, 2014
Shifting Shadows anthology: Fall/Winter 2014
Alpha and Omega novella (From On the Prowl )
Star of David - David Christiansen short story (From Wolfsbane and Mistletoe)
Seeing Eye - Tom and Moira introduction short story (From Strange Brew)
Fairy Gifts - Thomas Hao introduction short story (From Naked City)
Gray - A short story about a vampire who returns home and is reunited with a ghost from her past (From Home Improvement - Undead Edition)
In Red With Pearls - Kyle and Warren short story (From Down These Strange Streets)
Silver - Bran and Sam prequel story that has become a novella
Redemption - Ben short story
Roses in Winter - Asil and Kara short story
Hollow - Mercy short story
Silver Borne outtake - Sam's POV (Ties into Silver)
Night Broken outtake - Adam's POV
Alpha and Omega #4: Title TBA | 2015
Mercy Thompson #9: Title TBA | 2015-2016
March 11-18 2014: Night Broken Signing Tour
March 11, 2014: Richland WA
Hastings 14251425 George Washington Way. Ph: 509-946-1060 Signing begins at 6 PM.
March 12, 2014: Seattle WA
University Bookstore 4326 University Way NE. Phone: 206-634-3400. Signing begins at 7 PM.
March 13, 2014: Seattle WA
Seattle Mystery Bookshop 117 Cherry Street, Phone: 206-587-5737. Signing begins at 11 AM.
March 13, 2014: Seattle WA
Powell's Bookstore — Cedar Hills Crossing 3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Phone: 503-228-4651. Signing starts at 7 PM.
March 14, 2014: Las Vegas, NV
Barnes & Noble 2191 North Rainbow. Phone: 702-631-1775. Signing starts at 7:00 PM.
March 15,2014: San Diego, CA
Mysterious Galaxy 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, Suite #302. Phone: 858-268-4747 Signing starts at 2 PM.
March 16, 2014: Houston, TX
Murder By the Book 2342 Bissonnet St. Phone:713-524-8597. Signing starts at 6 PM
March 17, 2014: Bozeman, MT
Hastings 1601 Main Street, Phone: 406-522-7922. Signing starts at 6 PM
March 18, 2014: Butte, MT
Hastings 2307 Harrison Ave. Phone 406-723-3024. Signing starts at 6 PM
March 22, 2014: Tri Cities, WA
Bookworm 701-A The Parkway, Richland WA. Phone: (509) 946-0898. Signing starts at 10:30 AM.
Bookworm 201 N Edison St Kennewick WA. Phone: (509) 735-9016. Signing starts at 1:30 PM.
March 29, 2014: Kennewick, WA
Barnes & Noble, Columbia Center Mall. Phone: 509-736-3116. Signing starts at 1 PM
April 4-6, 2014: Toronto, Canada
Patty has been asked to attend the Ad Astra convention as a Guest of Honor. This should be a lot of fun, and we're really looking forward to it. See you there!
May 23 - June 9: Lüneburg and Berlin, Germany
Patty will be teaching at the Leuphana Universistät in Lüneburg for the first week, then giving a talk a the U.S. Embassy in Berlin sometime on the second week. Her assistant, Ann, and husband Mike will be traveling with her to make sure that we don't miss out on the fun, and heckle from the audience (don't knock it, we're professional hecklers)
August 14-18, 2014: London, England
We'll be flying to London for tea and crumpets. Except that we don't drink tea, and wouldn't recognize a crumpet if one bit us. Still, we're dashing of for LonCon, the World Science Fiction Convention. Hopefully, we'll get to meet a few of Patty's UK readers, with whom we've exchanged many lovely emails.
October 18-19,2014: Bellingham WA
The Bellingham Comic Con invited Patty to attend as a guest of honor, and we're honored to accept. So, we'll be there with bells on. Actually, probably not bells, but I'm not sure what we'll be wearing to comic con. Awww Jimminy Cricket, now I've got to come up with a costume, and I'm pretty sure I'm over the load limit for Spandex. Hmmm. Maybe I can go as Totoro . . .
March 4, 2014: We'll be hosting a giveaway of the Night Broken hardcover for one lucky winner. It's open to both NA and International readers. We'll also have Mercyverse prizes for the 2nd and 3rd names drawn. Details will be posted closer to the release date of Night Broken here on Booklikes, Facebook, and Twitter
March 11, 2014 | Mercy Thompson #8: Night Broken
Fall 2014 | Shifting Shadows (Mercyverse Anthology)
2015 | Alpha & Omega #4 : Title TBA
2015-2016 Date TBA | Mercy Thompson #9: Title TBA
Steph Guthrie talks about misogynist trolling and provides strategies to use online tools to help deal with trolls head on, and how doing so can reshape internet culture.
I loved this book. I am loving Live as well. We get a little glimpse of Carrie in there and then the very kind Mary Ann Rivers sends up all the Story Guy Epilogue. Sweet!
Did you know that TV Tropes has fanfic recs? Fairly extensive, with lots of links and brief descriptions. Go ahead. Check out your favorite fandom:
Mike posted it on the site and you can read it here! :) [Mod]
Happy Holidays everyone!
Patty has several releases in 2014. Night Broken, the 8th Mercy Thompson novel, will feature some old and new faces alike which will make Mercy’s life complicated but interesting. Then later in the year there will be a Mercyverse anthology called Shifting Shadows. It consists of all the previously published shorts, the Alpha and Omega novella, and a handful of new stories.
Because ‘tis the season of being jolly and goodies, we have a few fun giveaways planned in the New Year.
In January, two ARCs of Night Broken will be up for grabs. They’ll be signed and personalised to each winner by Patty. One ARC will be for US readers and the second ARC for international readers only. You can also look forward to a Night Broken March release week bonanza with a chance to win a hardcover copy of the book and some Mercy swag from the store.
Thank you all for your continued support and for joining us in anticipation of a very Mercycentric 2014. Have a wonderful and fabulous holiday, and a happy New year from Patty and Mike as well as Ann and everyone else here in the Patricia Briggs official news team!
"When his college dreams are sidelined by family obligations, a young man finds comfort in surfing with his best friend's brother."
I picked this up on a whim and I loved it. Great coming out story and a wonderful romance. It has one of favourite M/M tropes: guy falls for his best friend's older brother and this is a GFY!!
Beautiful looking movie with a great soundtrack and loads of chemistry. If you haven't seen it already (it's a few years old) I highly recommend it. This is a movie I can see myself going back to again and again.
Sometimes a book and the characters just grab you and won't let you go until they tell you their story. This was one of those books for me. I desperately needed to know what was going to happen between Matty and Rob but I also desperately needed some sleep because I work today. It was a struggle to not skip to the ending so I could get a bit of closure and grab a few winks but I resisted and managed to both finish the story and grab a bit of sleep last night. I'll be paying for it later but I have no regrets, it's one of the reasons that I love reading so much, finding stories that just won't let me quit them.
Matty Marcus is a figure skater. He's flamboyant, he's fabulous, and he's an elite athlete attempting to come back after a disastrous Olympic games and an injury. He needs to hire a new coach and in order for him to do that he needs money and he needs the freedom to train. He lands a cherry job of house-sitting for a patron in the wilds of Montana and the isolation will hopefully help him focus on the job at hand.
Rob Lovely owns a ranch just across the pasture. He's the boy next door but he's also not the boy next door. He's a Dom and he helps Matty focus in an entirely different and fun way.
I'm not quite sure what it is about this book that enthralled me so much. The humour was wonderful. I started reading this at work last night and had a goofy grin whenever I came back from my breaks thinking of the exchanges between Matty and his best friend Elliot. They had me laughing so much. Matty is who is he and proud of it and the way his mind works was a joy to read.
The BDSM is integral to this story. It's not hardcore enough to scare away someone unfamiliar with the kink but as a reader you need to be aware that's a prevalent aspect in the relationship between Rob and Matty. They gave a lot to each other and what they had I found beautiful. They always knew it was going to end so when that happened and the house-sitting gig was over it was devastating.
Just how will a relationship between a Montana cowboy and NYC Olympic figure skater work out? I recommend you read this to find out. It's a gorgeous story filled with characters that leap out from the pages to tell their story but it's not all puppies and Christmas. It's good with the bad, happy with the sad and kiss with the cry. I loved it and I want you all to read it so we can talk about it.
This had such an interesting twist on mpreg. I'm laughing because I'm comparing it to the more mainstream mpreg that I've read. Yanno, because mpreg is such a mainstream trope in and of itself. ;)
Lots and lots of sex here. I mean lots, so if you're looking to get your menage on with a side of alien then pick this one up. It was very relationship and personality driven with less of an emphasize on plot but I found the characters endearing and the master/pet dynamic worked very well.
About the ending. I liked how it ended because it was perfect for how the men were viewed by the Algonquan aliens.
I'm absolutely flailing with the awesomeness of this story. I would give it more than 5 stars if I could.
I saw the cover and title and without reading the blurb figured it for a western of some kind. This is thriller sci-fi all the way that's riddled with an intense manhunt from start to finish.
It has jumping POV's: aliens, military, mobsters, cowboys but it never once seems a gratuitous literary gimmick. It works. It works so well. I loved being in everyone's head and it made this story rich and layered. It never once felt jumpy or disjointed.
System Six/McClane is an alien military armour and weapons AI. He heartily dislikes his host and refuses to fully bond with him. In searching for a way to save himself from destruction he screws with the navigation system of the ship. That throws it far of course and accidentally causes it to crash land in the Texas desert almost on top of a US Military exercise.
One firefight later we have a desperate alien looking for a ride out of the mess it's made. Hello Riley Cooper, cowboy extraordinaire, a man on the run from his Russian mobster boyfriend and goons. Riley literally stumbles over System Six and so begins a beautiful partnership that starts out a tad hitchhiker from hell but mellows out over a shared love of nachos, cold beer and orgasms.
This is intense and fun and had me on the edge of my seat. I won't spill the beans about the romance but it rocked my world. It turned out in a way that I never expected it would and I love that it surprised me.
This is one of the best books I've read this year. Hands down. Can't recommend it enough. Just go read it.
This is quite the buddy book, the barbarian and the thief. It's a lot darker than I was expecting and the world building stellar.
How Vorgell ends up fucking himself on a unicorn's horn is wickedly clever as are the after effects. Getting thrown in a dungeon and meeting Maddog the thief is a the luckiest break he's ever had. Madd has his own...issues. Such a grim story and how the male witches work their magic, I found that incredibly original.
I love fantasy novels. I love the magic and the worlds created but for things to really work for me it has to feel organic and real. Like I could step through the keyhole and the physics, no matter how improbable would just click into place and I felt that with this book.
Don't get me started on Petal.
This was great read with fabulously distinct and rich characters that are so well suited to each other. There isn't any kind of cliffhanger here but there are strings of possibilities. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this author because I hope this only the start of the adventure.
I don't think I've ever rooted for a pair of men to make their relationship work as hard as I did for Riley and Stan. This has it all. Humour, hardcore sex-ing and some killer angst. I loved it.